Imports L

Labor Day Madness
2 CD
Straight Arrow SA/SP 2012-06-02
Vegas. September 2 (3), 1972 3AM + September 3, 1972 MS
Laser Magic
No Label From the original movie soundtracks.
The Last Farewell
EP Records CD 78-1 Indianapolis. June 26, 1977
The Last Farewell
5 CD Major Parkhill
Practically all masters and outtakes from the last Graceland sessions.
Last Stint at the International
. Straight Arrow SA/SP 2016-38-02 Vegas. August 29, 1971. DS + Vegas. August 29, 1971. MS
Last Stop in Mobile
Rainbow Records RR-19770602-2 Mobile. June 2, 1977.
Last Tango in Tahoe
. Fort Baxter CS 1002 Lake Tahoe May 27, 1974 3 AM C/S
Last Time in Portland
MEMORY 2035 Portland. November 26, 1976.
Last Time in Spectrum
. Memory Records MR 2064-2
Philadelphia. May 28, 1977.
The Last Vegas Opening Night
2 CD Straight Arrow 2009-12A/B-02 Vegas. December 2, 1976. OS
Las Vegas 4th September 1972 Closing Show
Grace 001 Vegas. September 4, 1972. CL/S
Las Vegas 1970 & 1973

2 CD Homespun HSP2CD2038 CD 1: Vegas. January 26, 1970. OS
CD 2: February 3, 1973. DS
Las Vegas Attraction Number 1
Show Room MT 12375 Vegas. December 3, 1975. DS
Las Vegas Closing Night 1973 - CD version
. Memphis Recording Service MRS10009073 Vegas. September 3, 1973. DS
Las Vegas Dinner Show
TCB TCBR CD 15273 Vegas. February 15, 1973. D/S
Las Vegas Dinner Show
No Label Vegas. August 20, 1974. D/S
Las Vegas Hilton Presents Elvis - Opening Night 1972

. Memphis Recording Service MRS Vegas. January 26, 1972. OS
Las Vegas International Presents Elvis - The First Engagements 1969-'70
3 CD Memphis Recording Service MRS10006970 CD 1: Vegas. August 1969
CD 2:
Vegas. January 26, 1970 OS.
CD 3:
Vegas. February 23, 1970 CS.
Las Vegas International Presents Elvis - September 1970

2 CD Memphis Recording Service MRS10009070 CD 1: Vegas. September 2, 1970. DS
CD 2:
Vegas. Rehearsals: August 4th, 7th & 10th.
Las Vegas International Presents Elvis -Now 1971

4 CD Memphis Recording Service MRS10001071 CD 1: 26th JANUARY 1971 – OPENING SHOW – (PARTIALLY RECORDED)



Las Vegas Hilton Dinner Show
TCB 07-02-74 Vegas. February 7, 1974. DS. From vinyl.
Las Vegas Moonlight
MEMORY 2048-2 Vegas. December 10, 1975. 10 P.M.
Las Vegas Fever vol. 1
Golden Stars TKCD 1043 Vegas. February 21, 1971. M/S
Las Vegas Fever vol. 2
Golden Stars TKCD 1044 Vegas. Aug. '69 and Feb. '72.
Las Vegas Fever vol. 3
Golden stars TKCD 1045 Vegas. August 26, 1973. M/S
Las Vegas Happening
2 CD
Rock Legends RL-CD01-2013
Vegas. March 1975: 19th MS/20th DS/22nd MS
Las Vegas in Gypsy Style
MEMORY 2041-2 Vegas. August 18th, 1975. OP/S
Las Vegas Revue
? Vegas. December 7, 1975
Las Vegas Season 8
6 CD Paradise Road Records PRR CD 1 - Vegas. January 26 1973 Opening Show 

CD 2 - Vegas. January 27 1973 Dinner Show

CD 3 - Vegas. January 27 1973 MS

CD 4 - Vegas. January 28 1973 MS 

CD 5 - Vegas. February 9 1973 DS 

CD 6 - Vegas. February 9 1973 MS
Las Vegas Stage Show
Savanah Records N770 EP Vegas. August 30, 1971. D/S
Las Vegas Summer Festival

4 CD Memphis Recording Service MRS20008072 CD 1: Vegas. August 11, 1972. DS
CD 2: Vegas. August 11, 1972. MS
CD 3: Vegas. August 12, 1972. DS
CD 4: Vegas. August 12, 1972. MS
Las Vegas' Voice Volume One

. Rock Legends RL-CD04-2015
Vegas. February 2, 1974. MS
Las Vegas' Voice Volume Two
. Rock Legends RL-CD05-2015 Vegas. February 3, 1974. MS
The Las Vegas Years Volume 2 - Early Morning Rain
CD AR 2007-3-2 Vegas. December 7, 1975
Late Night in LA

. Verve-CD01-2012
Los Angeles. May 11, 1974.
Lawdy Miss Clawdy
Memory 2006-2 Alt. Studio January-April 1956
Leaner & Meaner Than Ever

Gravel Road Music GRCD 7103-2
Vegas. January 28, 1971. MS
Lean, Mean and Kickin' Butt
Fort Baxter 2201 Vegas. January 28, 1971. MS
Leaving Jackson on Fire
Venus Productions Jackson, June 9, 1975. ES.
Leavin' It Up To You
Audifon AFNS 66173 Alt. Studio, soundtrack outtakes
Left a Good Job in the City

. Straight Arrow SA 2012-24-02 New York. June 9, 1972.
A Legendary Performer volume 3
No Label Same as the vinyl release, with added tracks.
A Legendary Performer volume 4
No Label Same as the vinyl release, with added tracks.
A Legendary Performer volume 5
Madison CWP09 A mix of alternate takes, undubbed versions and live.
A Legendary Performer volume 6
Madison CWP10 A mix of alternate takes, undubbed versions and live.
A Legendary Performer volume 7
Madison CWP11 A mix of alternate takes, undubbed versions and live.
A Legendary Performer volume 8
Madison CWP12 A mix of alternate takes, undubbed versions and live.
A Legendary Performer volume 9
. Madison CWP27 A mix of alternate takes, undubbed versions and live.
A Legendary Performer volume 9
Wolf Call A mix of alternate takes, undubbed versions and live.
A Legendary Performer volume 10
Wolf Call A mix of alternate takes, undubbed versions and live.
A Legendary Performer volume 11
Wolf Call A mix of alternate takes, undubbed versions and live.
A Legendary Performer volume 12
Wolf Call A mix of alternate takes, undubbed versions and live.
A Legendary Performer volume 13
Wolf Call A mix of alternate takes, undubbed versions and live.
A Legendary Performer volume 16
Wolf Call A mix of alternate takes and undubbed versions.
A Legendary Performer Volume1 1-8

4 CD Wonderland Records WLR-2184
Copies of the expanded A Legendary Performers editions.
A Legendary Performer Talking & More I
Collectors Records Radio spots, interviews etc .
Legendary Rarities
Goblin Records CD 3006 Alt. And rare 50s, 60s, 70s
The Legend Lives On
PCS-1001-CD Live in Vegas '69, '70 and '72.
Legendary "Spliced" Takes

4 CD Rock & Roll Majesty BCT-321
Spliced and computer edited 60s + 70s.
The Legend of a King
2 CD
ABI 2-CD Great radio tribute show.
Let it Be Me
Audiophile Records Vegas. February 21, 1970. M/S + Vegas. February 20, 1970. D/S.
Let it Rock
. Gravel Road Music GRCD 7104-2 Vegas. February 23, 1971. CS.
Let it Roll
Madison CWP/14 Alternate takes, unedited takes '69-'77.
Let Me... Sing Again

. MxF Records
Vegas. August 14, 1973. DS
Let Me ... Sing Again [withdrawn release]
2 CD MxF Records CD1: Vegas. August 25, 1973. DS
CD2: Vegas. August 25, 1973. MS

Let Me Be the One
Audionics 2009-04-02 Home recordings
Let Me Be There
Memory 2054-2 Vegas. February 8, 1974. M/S
Let Me Be There
. Unicorn Rec. 2021
Vegas. February 6, 1974. DS
Let Me Take You Home
DAE 3595-2 Memphis. June 10, 1975
Let's Be Friends
"CAS 2408" The classic Camden release, here as a bootleg.
Let's Take it on Home
Red Mill 74863 678899 5 Mainly interviews
Let's Take it on Home Again vol. 2
Legends 2203 Mainly interviews
Life - The Alternate Nashville Recordings 1970/1971

. (2022) Nashville recordings '70-'71.
The Lightning Storm in Florida
MEMORY 2051-2 Tampa. April 26, 1975. E/S
Lightning Strikes Twice in Portland!
2 CD Straight Arrow Special Products SA/SP 2014-27-02 Portland. November 11, 1070 + April 27, 1973
Like a Black Tornado - Live at Boston Garden 1971
. Memphis Recording Service MRS10011071 Boston. November 10, 1971.
Like a Greek God

2 CD Straight Arrow Special Products SA/SP 2019-58-02 Vegas. September 4, 1970. MS +
Vegas. September 7, 1970. CS
Little Darlin'
EPL 008 CD Niagara Falls. July 13, 1975. A/S
Live and Unleashed
. VIP CD 021 41 rare live tracks from thw '70s.
Live Anthology 1973 - The Soundboard Edition
2 LP/1 CD RedeMptionN A collection of 1973 live recordings
Live at Del Webb's

. Touchdown Productions TDP-CD28-2016 Lake Tahoe. May 24, 1974 MS [!]
Live at the Forum
TLC 2000-01 Los Angeles. May 11, 1974. E/S.
Live at the H.I.C.
White Star Honolulu. November 18, 1972. E/S
Live at the International Hotel

. R.E.J. Vegas. August 12, 1970. DS - R.E.J.-remix.
Live at the Lakeside
Sundial Productions 701 Lake Tahoe. May 1, 1976. D/S
Live at Las Vegas Hilton 1972
2 CD RRM-972 CD 1: Vegas. January 26, 1972. OS.
CD 2: Vegas. August 11, 1972. MS
CD 3: Vegas. August 12, 1972. MS
CD 4: Newly edited bits And pieces from multi track tapes.
Live at the Omni
EP 5275 Atlanta. May 2, 1975. E/S
Live Experience in Vegas...February 1971

. No label, 2022
Classic vinyl, upgraded:
Vegas. February 21, 1971. MS
Live From Fort Wayne
If I Fort Wayne. June 12, 1972.
Live From the Hilton
If IV Vegas. January 31, 1974. D/S.
Live From the International
If III Vegas. September 6, 1971. C/S.
Live From Las Vegas
If II Vegas. March 30, 1975. D/S
Live From Roanoke
Sundial Productions SP-301 Roanoke. March 10, 1974
Live in Lake Tahoe - Tahoe '73

. Ragdoll RD 2017-04
Lake Tahoe. May 9, 1973. MS.
Live in Las Vegas
. Universum Productions UniP-1/2015 Vegas. August 7, 1969. DS [date needs confirmation]
Live in Las Vegas
Show Room MT 740207-M Vegas. February 7, 1974. MS
Live in the 50s & on Television

1 CD / 1 DVD
CD940 / DVD940 Live and TV 1956-1960-
Live in the 50s vol.1
CDLR712 Tupelo '56 and Milton Berle
Live in the 50s vol. 2
CDLR713 Dorsey, Eagle's Hall, Vegas 56.
Live in the 50s vol. 3
CDLR714 The Ed Sullivan shows.
Live in the 50s vol. 4
CDLR715 Hayride, Little Rock, Timex Special.
Live in Atlanta
No label Atlanta. December 30, 1976.
Live in Dallas
SPCD 230587 Dallas. June 6, 1975.
Live in Las Vegas 1973
Sten 91093 Vegas. Live 1969-1973.
Live in Los Angeles

. Touchdown Productions TDP-CD34-2018 Los Angeles. November 14, 1970. ES
Live In Memphis 1976
2 CD Homespun PMEDIA HSP2CD2067 Memphis. July 5th, 1976.
Live in Philadelphia
. Ampex CD02-2021
Philadelphia. November 8, 1971.
Live in Virginia
Vicky CD 0214 Hampton Roads. April 9, 1972. E/S
Live Live Live
. Messiah Productions
Bonus CD to the DVD release (undubbed masters from 70-76)
Livestock Live
GOODCD1 Houston, TX, March 3, 1974. ES [!]
Livin' On the Edge

2 CD Touchdown Productions TDP-CD23-2014
Vegas. February 23, 1973. DS + The rehearsal recordings.
Living the Pain

. SR Records
Vegas. February 21, 1972. MS
Living From Day To Day Chasing A Dream
2 CD
Straight Arrow SA/SP 2013-18-02 Vegas. February 23, 1973. DS + MS
Lonesome August Nights
2 CD SR Records Vegas. August 18, 1972. DS + MS
Lonesome Summer Breeze
. Straight Arrow SA/SP 2012-07-02
Vegas. August 25, 1972. DS
Long Beach California 1972
Paradise Road Records Long Beach. November 14, 1972
Long Beach, California - The November 1972 Tour
2 CD 2 CD CD 1: Long Beach. November 14, 1972.
CD 2: Long Beach. November 15, 1972.
Long Lonely Highway Vol. 2 - Nashville 1960-1971

. Meant To Be Played Records MTP / STAR .Studio B, Nashville 1960-1971.
Long Lost and Found Songs
Vault EAB. 1020 CD Rare live cuts from other bootlegs.
The Long Lost Home Recordings
Memory 2021-2 Elvis? No, it's not.
Long Tall Sally

. Ampex CD0112017
Vegas. January 27, 1973. DS.
Looked into the Wings

. E.P. Collector EPC 2018-16
Kalamazoo. October 21, 1976.
Look Out Jackson Town

3 CD TNT Records SB-19750608/09-2
Jackson. June 8, 1975 AS + ES + June 9, 1975 ES.
Loose As a Goose

2 CD Straight Arrow Special Products SA/SP 2015-28-02 Vegas. August 19, 1970. DS + MS
Loose Ends vol. 1
CDI.R716 Home recordings and studio masters + outtakes.
Loose Ends vol. 2
CDI.R717 Soundtrack outtakes and masters.
Loose Ends vol. 3
CDI.R718 Outtakes and remixes, 50s, 60s, 70s.
Los Angeles California
Tiger 300 Los Angeles. May 11, 1974. A/S. [!]
Losin' Out in Vegas

. Straight Arrow SA/SP 2013-17-02 Vegas. December 5, 1976. 9pm.
The Lost Album
Fort Baxter 2707 70s acetates
Lost in the Mail

. Ragdoll RD 2016-01
Carbondale. October 27, 1976.
Lost in Memphis

. Star American Studios 1969.
Lost On Tour
Bilko 1590 Rehearsals March 30, 31, 1972
Lost On Tour. The Sequel
Bilko CD 1593 Rehearsals March 30, 31, 1972
The Lost Outtakes
RSP/ACR CDR only release Unreleased leftovers from 60s recording sessions..
The Lost Performances
MT 2092 "That's the way" and "On Tour" outtakes.
The Lost Promo
SD4924 5 songs. Studio alt. 50s, 60s, 70s. Live '73.
The Lost Stereo Tapes

. Miracle Surface PA 796-2 Re-mixed 1967-material.
Louisiana Hayride Archives vol. 1
BGR-0246-2 Louisiana Hayride
The Louisiana Hayride Shows
3 CD IMC Music The Lousiana Hayride material.
Love Letters in Nevada
Sundial Productions SP 601 Vegas. Dec. 4, 1976, 9 P.M. D/S
Love Me Tonight

. SR Records
Vegas. February 13, 1971. MS
Love My Teddy Bear Tender

. E.P. Collector EPC 2019-23 Vegas. September 3, 1971. DS
Loving You
EPL 002 CD Vegas. August 19, 1975. D/S
Loving You + Jailhouse Rock

. DreamCovers Records 6095
Classic albums with bonus tracks.
Loving You - The Alternate Album

Flashlight Records FR201205
Loving You movie versions, alternates and masters.
Loving You Recording Sessions.
VIK 8557 33 takes of the song "Loving You"
Loving You Sessions
PELYCD142 Soundtrack outtakes
Loyal Greetings to Elvis

. Collector Records, broadcasts, oneliners etc.



